365 - 292 - 7635


The Azhara wants to change the story

When everyone has access to meaningful job opportunities, Canada benefits in many ways. But as a community dedicated in improving the health and social wellbeing of Canadians, we’ve seen the impact income insecurity has on individuals, families, and communities as people struggle to find work.

The reality is that jobs aren't always easy to find, especially for today’s youth. Even when armed with post-secondary education, you might still find yourself out of work or underemployed. And if you never completed high school, the outlook is even bleaker.

Alzhara job connections respond to the needs of unemployed and underemployed Canadians, by providing much-needed employment programs to address some of the barriers in entering the labor market. By building networks in the local community with employers and other service providers, we provide the comprehensive services you need to find a job. By working together to connect people with opportunities, we are giving more Canadians a chance to succeed.

We offer following services and much more .....

Employment connections
Job search and skills development workshops
Job related skills training
Job search and skills development workshops
Placement opportunities
Entrepreneurship supports
Mentorship and one-on-one supports
Before and after-school programs 
Home Child Care Program
Customer service skills training
Six steps of selling
Arranging required courses